Joe Rogan Experience #1253 - Ioan Grillo

Joe Rogan Experience #1253 – Ioan Grillo

Ioan Grillo is journalist who has spent the last 18 years reporting on the drug war in Mexico. His books “El Narco: Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency” and “Gangster Warlords” are available now.


  1. Trump never called Mexicans rapists. 🙄 why do you all lie about this? He said that they aren’t sending their best, that they are sending rapists and criminals. And to an extent this is true. Stop lying just because you don’t like how he said something.

  2. "people do drugs because they are miserable at their jobs",,,,,,,,,,,, really Joe????? Dumb.

  3. Ioan seems like the guy with which all your anecdotes pale into insignificance next to his stories. But…I think, in the end, I'd prefer to have my boring stories and read his in a book.

  4. If the US did legalize all drugs, would it destroy latin countries economies?

  5. Let's build that fucking WALl come on crazy ass Mexico. So sad it's such a beautiful place.

  6. 420k views and only 7.5k likes come on JOE ROGAN ARMY LETS SPREAD JOE AROUND SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON!!!!!!

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