Joe Rogan Experience #1250 - Johann Hari

Joe Rogan Experience #1250 – Johann Hari

Johann Hari is a writer and journalist. His new book “Lost Connections” is available now.


  1. "studied grasshoppers in a marijuana field for 3 years to see how high they jumped"
    "studied whether mongeese like psychadelics"

    WHAT THE ??!?!?!

  2. Number of times topics have been talked about on JRE:

    keto diet: 38
    bow hunting: 259
    Joe Diaz shitting & farting: 84
    marijuana: 842
    MMA: 966
    RAT PARK: 41

    May we never have to hear another long, tedious lecture about rat park.

  3. Jesus Christ… Never thought I would cry listening to Joe Rogan, but here we are.

  4. Brits NEVER say:

    What's the story, morning glory?

    Noel thinks you're adorable.

    So pretentious…

  5. How much money would it cost to make people happy enough not to do drugs?

    The millions and millions of people fighting their addictions not because of criminal consequences, but because of social and economical consequences.

    Treatment doesn't help, nor does personal wealth.

    They lose everything, destroy their lives, their families, their futures, everything, because they are suffering the destructive nature and consequences of illicit drugs. All drugs.

    There is more addicted in America than the entirety of the population of Switzerland.

    Drugs are so addictive and destructive that people will chance imprisonment and even death.

    You don't legalize something as destructive and possibly deadly as that.

    So how much does it cost to give people reason enough to not do drugs?
    Nobody cares the inevitable consequences of drug use?

    The people that do care, and took upon themselves to follow the rules, should have to pay the price?

    Would any of this be a problem if drug use wasn't so destructive?

    There is not enough meaningful things in a constantly molested culture and society for people to feel positive about.

    There is too many people with too much time, and not enough activities to give the illusion of self worth.

  6. Like most things its feelings over hard facts/evidence. This talk has completely changed my opinion on drugs. This is the reason why I love watching JRE

  7. Advertising isn't as simple as free speech – you don't consent to advertisements in your daily life; they stole part of your attention bandwidth without your consent.

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