Joe Rogan Experience #1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart

Joe Rogan Experience #1246 – Pot Debate – Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart

Alex Berenson is a former reporter for The New York Times and the author of several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings. His new book “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence” is available now via Amazon. Dr. Michael Hart is the founder and medical director of Ready To Go clinic, a medical cannabis clinic in London, Ontario, Canada.


  1. just admit you guys like to get high and stop pretending its good for you.

  2. Being a wake in bake person doesn't necessarily make you a failure. But thanks for the concern.

  3. Bruh i dont need to listen to whole podcast to know weed is super beneficial and utterly safe compared to any drug. And i def dont need to hear a bunch of bs about the harms of ppl who cant handle their shit. Bruh vape up stop being ignorant of obvious health benefits.

  4. Guys, just…. everything in moderation, don’t be stupid, if you feel it taking over your life, stop, if not and you feel good and healthy and not hurting anyone, then keep going!

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