Joe Rogan Experience #1244 - Colin O'Brady

Joe Rogan Experience #1244 – Colin O’Brady

Colin O’Brady is a professional endurance athlete, motivational speaker and adventurer. He is a three-time world record holder, and just became the first person in the world to travel across Antarctica unassisted. In 2016 he set the Explorers Grand Slam and Seven Summits speed records.


  1. Ok he had me until talking about crossing ladders over crevasses "one slip and you die". No you don't he's an awful embellisher at best. You are roped in on both sides and redundant anchors points are fixed on both sides of the ladder; you slip, the rope team arrests your fall and haul you back up using a (normally) Z pulley system. Source: I'm an alpine mountaineer.

  2. gangster level 💯. i can stand in front of the freezer for 2min 🤣🤣🤣 door closed 😂🤣

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