Joe Rogan Experience #1238 - Brian Redban

Joe Rogan Experience #1238 – Brian Redban

Brian Redban is a comedian and the founder of the Deathsquad podcast network. Also look for him only “Kill Tony” available Here


  1. Sandy Hook Never Happened. If you are choosing to not see all the evidence that points to it being fake then that's YOUR problem.

  2. eddie bravo said the moon landing was fake. you didnt kick him off? Taking away the platform of someone because they lie isnt defending free speech. Him saying those things about sandy hook isnt PHYSICALLY hurting anyone. It mentally hurts the parents as much as saying the moon landing mentally hurts the families of the astronauts who went to the moon. Once you start this road, there is no end.

  3. All these keyboard warriors are annoying. Most of you pansys would never say these things if you were in front of Joe. If you don't like him stop watching.

  4. If you say he's lying, have him on and confront him head on about that. Dont just black list him along with the rest of the corps. this is supposed to be the channel where people get confronted on bullshit, no matter who they are.

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