CLIP: The George Brett Story - Congratulations with Chris D'Elia

CLIP: The George Brett Story – Congratulations with Chris D’Elia

Congratulations Podcast w/ Chris D’Elia HIGHLIGHTS: Most of you know the George Brett story from youtube. If you don’t, Chris breaks it down for you.

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  1. Dude Bryan Callen would love this baseball shit guy. If you don't shit your pants once a year your not trying hard enough. Lol

  2. Bryan callen knows so much more about sports, then Chris.

  3. 1:10 I think he might have turned around and said "Pardon" not "farted". Either way does not excuse the immediate jump into that awful story lol

  4. This sounds like a Bryan β€œfull of dents” Callen story

  5. I don't know how this is "so baseball" but this shit is does make you the top man on the totem pole. You just have to sit there and listen while you just try to NOT imagine it in your mind.

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