BJJ vs Wrestling (starts 4:19) - Timtam used in Super Bowl - Ask Me Anything 37 - Coach Zahabi

BJJ vs Wrestling (starts 4:19) – AMA 37 – Coach Zahabi


  1. Salaam Allaikum Coach. Happy Birthday! Thank you for introducing me to Dave Ramsey and his books. I read the Total Money Makeover and finished it in 1 week, totally changed my view on money. Cheers Coach, I wish you well.

  2. Is there any mail where I can send you a few question's hope you can answer or attleast give your insight on them on your live stream.
    All the best to you keep living the good life.

  3. If fights were only 1 rd wrestlers would do even better than they do now, take kevin lee vs Tony, so many fights would've changed drastically if fighters never got stood up

  4. Wrestlers are also more athletic on average then BJJ guys so they are gonna learn striking faster

  5. People are starting to do both. Depending on the season, I will do more bjj or more folkstyle wrestling. And when I do bjj I usually start standing up because I enjoy wrestling. At the gym I go to we warm up with shadow wrestling. Im always drilling both ground and standing. Sometimes when I attend another gyms open mat people will ask if im a wrestler. I guess? I go to my local wrestling club every weekend. But I don't compete in it. Im just a grappler. The gym i go to we do leg locks, wrestling, judo etc. In the future BJJ will be heavily mixed with wrestling and judo imo because anyone with a brain will make their kids wrestle and do bjj in the off season.

  6. Im a math guy, here is my take on the measuring stick problem. Since you asked distance from A to B then I would say its the straight line we instantly get from a ruler. Now, I think you meant the perimeter of the weird shape created by the sand (Or the length of the non-straight line it creates), and that can only be measured by an infinitely precise way if we want to be accurate, and there are indeed finite objects with infinite perimeter (Look up fractals).

  7. Super off about basketball. Play calls every single play at times.. game plans make games it’s not a pickup game

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