1990 Ferrari F40 - Jay Leno's Garage

1990 Ferrari F40 – Jay Leno’s Garage

Ferrari enthusiast and Jeweler David Lee stops by the garage with one of the most desirable cars of all time, the 1990 Ferrari F40.


  1. 1:55. 1,311 is more than three times as much as 400, not "almost three times". Yes, I am an anal math person.

  2. I am not sure what visceral means but after this video, i had the dying urge to know.

    Dictionary result for visceral


    relating to the viscera.

    "the visceral nervous system"

    relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.

    "the voters' visceral fear of change"

  3. This asian guy drives like a granny on the road. U can him driving sometimes.

  4. 30 years later they're building the 488. With a twin-turbo V8 again. Except no manual transmission. The reality is a dual-clutch transmission, or even a ZF 8/10sp torque converted Auto is faster than a 6-speed manual. But Some people including me, don't care about that and still want the Manual. If I need to keep up with the dual-clutch car, I'll just add power.

  5. ALMOST three times the original production? I’m not a math wizz but, if they originally planned to make 400 and they made 1311…. ? Ummmm

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