Whiskey Ginger - Ben Harper - #011

Whiskey Ginger – Ben Harper – #011

Santino sits down with Ben Harper to chat about shitty gigs, paying dues and Ben performs “No Mercy In This Land” which makes the Slugger get emotional.


  1. Do more videos you p.o.s.. Love you man keep it up. This is a great podcast your great it'll get traction

  2. Thank you for bringing on one of the best Singer Songwriters ever. Comedians really should have more musicians on their podcasts. In terms of the "grind" there is a lot of similarities between a comedian and a musician, especially a singer songwriter like Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, or John Mayer. Btw, you were great on I'm Dying Up Here, Showtime can kiss your hairy red ass.

  3. I saw Ben open for Tori Amos about twenty years ago and I knew he was a fan instantly? Thanks for keeping it real.

  4. Once I saw Santino on TFATK I knew he was gonna be a star. Dude is absolutely hilarious and so damn quick witted. His snap responses are so quick and brilliant. That's a genius brain being put to good work.

  5. Ben, I knew your dad from the days of the Hot Pecans @ Griswolds. Took a tour with him at the Pomona fairgrounds on his golf cart. It was a pretty memorable time.

  6. Oppression is my all time Ben Harper song. Beautiful simple perfect. Becoming a bit of a Santino fan lately too,
    im here from your moms house

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