Top 10 Royal Rumble Title Matches (#4 Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit)

Counting down to the 2019 WWE Royal Rumble, Solomonster ranks the Top 10 championship matches in Royal Rumble history. This week, #4 on the countdown is a battle between two of the greatest at their craft for the WWE championship, Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit from the 2003 Royal Rumble.


  1. I've never watched this match before but I've heard lots of praise and good things about it I'll try to watch it later this week I remember loving Angle and Benoit's match from WM 17 those two had great chemistry together its truly sad what became of Benoit at the end I don't condone what he did at the last moments of his life it was wrong and unforgivable but he was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up wish what happened should have been prevented.

  2. That period on SmackDown! In 2002 to 2003. It was the A show at the time and easily the best wrestling show at the time. This match with Angle and Benoit summed it all up.

  3. So I guess Jericho vs. Benoit (2001), Cactus Jack vs. Triple H (2000) and the 1992 WWF Championship Royal Rumble match are the Top 3?

  4. Number 1 in my book these two bought out the Best of each other 10/10 ☆☆☆☆☆

  5. Number 1 is a no brainer if you've been listening to the solomonster over the past few years. 3 is probably that ladder match from 01 and number 2 is the street fight from 2000

  6. I saw this PPV recently and I can safely say that Triple H vs Steiner was just awful and dull. The Angle and Benoit was just a awesome match between two of the biggest faces at the time, such a treat to watch.

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