Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 1-24-19

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 1-24-19

Bill rambles about being late with the podcast, expiring technology, and his TV crushes.


  1. The Thursday afternoon just before Friday but its actually on the Monday after the Thursday afternoon Monday morning podcast and boy am I feelin' checked in on!

  2. Hello from DUBAI, my fellow Americans… I believe you are all being kept in the dark… This is your FINAL ALERT if you wish to be a BILLIONAIRE and help me with my mission… I prefer holding 1000 oz. bars in my hands (and although I can't lift them like I once used to be able to, I have never been told 'that is too much silver' and have been told I would receive much more of a premium for them since I have them gold-plated or molded into ART statues which I never worship… LOL)… Accumulating Gold & Silver for decades and BTC since 2012… Got in on the ground floor with LTC & TrX (for speed) iOST & ZIL (for scalability) NCASH & TNB (for resource buybacks and mining)… Just bought another 100,000,000 HOT, NPXS & DENT (for resource buybacks and mining FOR information is knowledge and KNOWLEDGE is POWER) each @12 & @28 sats… Invest with confidence and patience… They WILL ALL 100x – 1000x by 2020…  PS: Care to see what a $1,000,000,000 worth of GOLD and SILVER look like? 😉 HODL!!

  3. Welcome to ISLAM, brother @Bill Burr… Salaam and good evening to you and Sinead O'Connor… WTF is up with all these freckle-faces quitting boos and converting to ISLAM?

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