The Church Of What's Happening Now: #650 - Carmen Morales

The Church Of What’s Happening Now: #650 – Carmen Morales

Carmen Morales, a comedian, the second door girl in the history of The Comedy Store and host of the “No Sir I Don’t Like It” podcast, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio.


  1. Nothing sexier than a sharp realistic woman. not many men can hang with such a powerhouse. Get yours Carmen!

  2. I feel like dr Doolittle watching a gorilla a dog and a sloth having a conversation. Fuckin tremendous

  3. Unwatchable. There's nothing funny about vile, foul-mouthed women. They're just vile. Talk about something other than your genitalia. What works for men doesn't necessarily work for women, and vice versa. That's why I don't go out in a tight dress with my tits hanging out.

    Maybe women just aren't funny. Maybe they're only funny to other women. But there's absolutely no way that women will be funny by aping the obscene, sexual comedy employed by some men. It's just gross when women say it and it debases us all.

  4. Get her to fart in Lee’s mouth… it’s a party

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