Nikki Glaser & The Robots | TigerBelly 176

Nikki tries the curling iron. Bobby reveals his Bird Box vision. We talk singularity movement, Princess Diana, and Chinese finger puppets.


  1. Look at this bitch ass punk ass Mark ass Bobby Lee. Crying boo-hoo that he got beat up by shaffir. And making it Steam like shaffir was the bully. When that mother fucker owed shaffir something like $40,000 and was medeling in shaffir's girlfriend cheating on him with bobbies homeboy. Then shaffir got kicked off a gig and Bobby aid he had nothing to do with it but, I wouldnt put I passed him. What a bitch Bobby Lee is. I bet If he would of told Nikki the reason behind the beating, she would of sided with shaffir. Fucking lame ol Bobby Smelly low life no deserving anything great in life Bobby Lee.

  2. The best part of tiger belly is you’re guests love you bobby they get you and you get them. It makes the show flow great! I don’t wanna see you force guests on that doesn’t have that chemistry with you and it comes a bullshit interview. I love the shit talk, the uncomfortableness at times, and the serious talk when it comes
    From a place of love like you do bob. With that said……. if u ain’t got a good vibe with them regardless of how famous they are or how many views you could get then don’t put them on. But if you could get Trevor Noah that would be cool

  3. Peak oil won't happen because before that happens nuclear energy will be harnessed more and we'll switch. The military already uses it for their naval ships.

  4. Thank you we love you guys and are loyal sleepers! All hail the Slept Kingdom!!! Love you guys: I wish fir you to have a happy and blessed new year! I can’t wait for another year with you guys

  5. Nikki Glasser is a woman that I don't find funny at all. After listening to her comments on YMH Podcast about what it takes to date her she sounds like a high-maintenance bitch.

    Also she followed me on IG the other day and liked like 15 of my photos in hopes I would follow her back LMAO

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