NAME CHANGE For Andrade Cien Almas + Big Win Over Rey Mysterio!

NAME CHANGE For Andrade Cien Almas + Big Win Over Rey Mysterio!

Andrade Cien Almas is now just “Andrade” in the latest example of WWE being allergic to longer names. More importantly, he tore the house down on Smackdown last week against Rey Mysterio. Solomonster pitches an idea for a big blow off between the two at Wrestlemania.

  • For the FULL Solomonster Sounds Off 582 episode, click here


  1. Andrade Cien Almas is something special that guy has such a unique move set bro, holy shit

  2. I could see Almas losing a hair vs Mask match and then he brings back the la Sombra mask while his hair grows back to continue the feud with Rey

  3. I’ve noticed over the last few years that having your name shortened basically means mid card for life. So probably not the best thing to hear for his career in WWE

  4. Nah. I think it's just for the time being that they're pushing Andrade. Then they're going to go back to making him seem irrelevant as usual. This is WWE we're talking about where Vince McMahon is more fickle than any fan because his ideas are unseemly.

  5. I just don't understand why they bother giving or keeping them long complicated names if they were gonna changed it in the first place

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