Monday Morning Podcast 1-28-19

Monday Morning Podcast 1-28-19

Bill sits down with Josh Adam Meyers to talk about his podcast ‘The 500’, classic albums, and failed vasectomies.


  1. Somebody should tell Bill he IS white. He acts like he forgets sometimes. White people that have never done anything bad to a person of color get tired of hearing that white privilege shit all the time. You want to shame someone for being white? Hop in a time machine and go back to when black people were really being treated like shit. The media acts like police aren't even supposed to arrest black people for committing crimes nowadays because it isn't "fair" somehow. It sure is convenient to do whatever messed up crazy shit you want and it's all okay because it's the white man's fault. I would think that mentality would be detrimental to the black community and should not be encouraged. You have to take responsibility for yourself at some point and stop playing the victim. Maybe there is some secret "white people club" meetings where they plot to oppress people of color. I don't know. I wasn't invited.

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