Lilly Singh Fears for Her Life While Eating Spicy Wings

Lilly Singh Fears for Her Life While Eating Spicy Wings

Lilly Singh is a YouTube juggernaut with more than 14 million subscribers, as well as a writer, producer, actress, and New York Times best-selling author. But how is she with spicy food? Find out as the Internet’s favorite Superwoman takes on Hot Ones challenge—despite her obvious trepidation about diving into the Scoville deep end. As she battles the wings of death, Singh discusses her collaborations with Dwayne Johnson and Michelle Obama, her love of pro wrestling, and the importance of mental health for YouTubers.

Lilly recently announced that she would be taking a break from the platform, but fortunately you can get your Superwoman fix on this week’s Hot Ones.


  1. Do the vegan nonsense wings have some kind of facsimile of a bone in them? What do you grab them by?

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