Joe Rogan Experience #1221 – Jonathan Haidt

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist and Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He’s also the author of books such as “The Happiness Hypothesis” and “The Coddling of the American Mind”.


  1. Agree with everything said but joes podcasts are starting to get boring. Please bring back some more interesting guest. This is literally the same thing Jordan Peterson has been on here and said twice now. Im getting tired of hearing this same thing over and over

  2. Seriously? So I'm the only person that thought that he might be related to Jay Leno?

  3. "Racism is prejudice plus power" is retarded bullshit.
    Hispanics are racist, Asians are racist, Africans are racist. Pick any race and you will find racism.

  4. Reminder that "Progress" is a relative and subjective term.

    Where are we progressing towards? Who defines what a "better world" is?

  5. 5:21 exactly. This is the basics of human instincts and we will not rid ourselves of said insticts… all else is nurture.

  6. I was in my parent's neighborhood where I grew up, and I noticed that now the school bus drops almost every kid off at their own house, and waits for them to go inside before moving on. It even sat in one place for minutes, waiting for a parent to walk down a side street that the bus doesn't go down, to come get the kid from the bus.

    When I was a kid in the same neighborhood, the bus stopped in a few places, and a dozen kids at a time had to walk home from a central point. The bus would be long gone before you even got into your house.

  7. Only 10 minutes in and I can confirm this started before 2014, the military started adopting "stress cards" in basic training shortly after my class of basic which was late 2004. So this sort of "safe space" thing started at least as early as 2006. I don't know that this was where it started but I do know that it was earlier than 2014.

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