Hot Ones LIVE Trivia with Super Fans at ComplexCon | Hot Ones

Live from ComplexCon in Long Beach, Sean Evans grills some super fans (and, uh, not-so-super-fans) about their knowledge of the show—while eating spicy wings, of course.


  1. Shame there weren't genuine fans being interviewed. Needs to be better vetting next time. 😛

  2. Omfg! Hot ones hot sauce!!!! I want some so badly! I never had any and now its discontinued!

  3. BTW, your hand gestures are completely natural so they are good. Just keep doing what you do.

  4. lol those questions should have been vetting questions that the producers asked the guests before letting them on camera.

  5. I'm not even gonna watch it full. Shitty dumbasses wasting Sean's time. The only good thing that came from this, is Sean and crew getting some xp for future fan-triviaaaaaaaaas.

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