Get the Ham | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #165

Get the Ham | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #165

Back from Omaha. Basic training, a defense of Portland, and a fellow Polish Nicaraguan.


  1. Who is the one sad mofo that disliked this video? Get a life bro, you're out numbered.

  2. Theo, since you don’t do a lot of cutting and editing, you should do a live show brother!! Big fan. Would also love to hear your thoughts on Owen Benjamin, whether he’s just playin’ up the crazy, and what’s gonna happen after he goes through the manic cycles and highly offensive and childish impulsive “takedowns” , and the echo chamber he’s created and now lives within.

  3. Ive been to portland before. I live in Illinois. I was amazed at how many homeless people there were on the west coast. San Francisco definitely had the most bums tho.

    The brutal winters in Illinois keep bums off the street

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