Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher

Coach Firas Zahabi talks about the famous Japanese quote and the lessons to be learned from people who are more experienced.


  1. Yes, very thougtful. Especially when young blue belts/purple belts are tapping experienced black belts. People question the….never mind. Please just show the gem of the guard pass defense. I don't have another 15/20 years.

  2. Firas has giant shoulders. I'm sure most of us could stand on them.

  3. Its debatable. In ancient Japan. Martial Arts was life and death. Its hard to say that today's generation of fighters are better than yesterday's generation of warriors. Martial Arts today is a 9 to 5, clock in, clock out. Mark the time and get your belt. There is a huge generation gap between the warriors who trained daily and meditated upon death. Verses the sports competitor who does it for a check.

  4. wonder what the nicky ryan and firas roll looked like o_O

  5. Coach, I have issues with prepatellar bursitis for 2 years now and it goes I away when I stop training for a month or so, but when I do jiu jitsu or wrestling, it swells a lot and hurts very badly. I can do striking no problem or run no problem, but as soon as my knee directly touches the ground I am in serious pain. I have been a bjj white belt for two years bc of this, as every two months I am incapable of more training, even though I am a natural guard player and I almost never am on my knees. Do you have any recommendations? I do not want to quit martial arts.

  6. OSS. so true. i met the great behring two times and it was MIND CHANGING.

  7. I tell you something else that's remarkable is fluoride in our drinking water. Have your water in Montreal analyzed. You will find 0.7 mg per liter and this is not because they filtered it down to that it's because they added it to that degree.
    Government ran sites will tell you Eastern Canada does not fluoridate water and this is a lie. All countries associated to the US Canada and the UK have fluoridated water. Ever wonder why Hitler gave the Jews fluoride?
    Ever wonder why depression is so widespread these days? Ever wonder why Prozac is the number one choice by pharmaceutical companies to treat depression?
    Ever wonder why Prozac is 95% fluoride?
    Ever wonder why Hitler gave the Jews in concentration camps fluoride?
    You might want to look into it before you have your children drinking tap water. Trust mel it's not because they care so much about our teeth.

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