Anthrax Challenge #7 | Opening Up Fan Mail with Theo Von

Anthrax Challenge #7 | Opening Up Fan Mail with Theo Von

To participate in the Anthrax Challenge mail to:
Theo Von Podcasting
12777 W Jefferson Blvd
Suite 300, Building D
Los Angeles, CA 90066


  1. In all seriousness.. That dude has to either quit smoking or never get back on the mic.. Geezusssfuuuck!!!

  2. Gianni, the chemistry is good but some advice. Not hating. Work on the nervous laughter it's wicked distracting. Let Theo lead. Sometimes a silent pause is a great thing. Know your place as a co-host/side kick. Class is over.

  3. Whatโ€™s with all the Gianni hate? We are all adults thereโ€™s no need to bash anyone. Kid is young let him have his fun! Spread love and positivity only baby gang gang!

  4. Theo is good with Gianni. Itโ€™s similar to the Norm / Adam Eget chemistry on Norms podcast.

  5. Ester Perel is a Norwegian author. But Gianni needs to rethink his sexual preferanse, "she' is a MAN!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. I HATE this dudes laugh. Its brutally annoying and it's far too often. He laughs at fuckin everything man. Get rid of this guy. Sorry Giovanni but I had to say it.

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