WWE Shake Up Aftermath – HHH vs Shane McMahon? – Notsam Wrestling

From episode 217 of Notsam Wrestling – Sam Roberts comes up with his own theory, after this week’s WWE Shake Up.


  1. Look man. To say the "super star shakeup" was disappointing is pretty much dead on. Are there a couple positives? Yea. I reckon we could see what we all wanna see which is a struggle for power between HHH and Shane with Stephanie stuck in the middle. This would make great TV. I will tell you where WWE lost me. We are so far removed from the 1990's and all the stupid gimmicks and everyone had to have a job title or a gimmick. THe garbage man, the turkey gooker, we had a half man half beast etc….But PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY. There is nobody in there right mind that thinks Heavy Machinery is a good name or a gimmick??????????? P L. E. A. S. E. This god awful name is straight from the 90's Cmon everybody its Heavy Machinery v.s Men on a Mission……Cmon man….JUST TERRIBLE.

  2. I thinks it's to early to tell how all this will play out. The reason it felt anticlimactic was we don't know how it was really done before . So when they come out saying we're all coming together to make WWE great again…I was thinking weren't you all working together anyway. IdK.. maybe having all four be all hands on deck may be what WWE needed we'll see where this goes in a few months….I know what I don't want is what Sam is talking about. A story line involving all them in some power struggle…I've seen it a million times….keep the focus on the wrestlers…by God they need it.

  3. Good Lord your fantasy booking is terrible. "I'm happy we don't have GM's any more!" –> Suggests the McMahons take up even more TV time as authority figures heading into 2019. wtf are you smoking?

  4. If this is the end of a brand split, do they unify all of the titles? It's honestly pretty lame to have a team team championship on each show, and a world champ on each show…

  5. I would take SmackDown rebrand it WCW Nitro bring back Bischoff and make HHH & Bischoff the heads of Nitro creative on & off screen (HHH would keep Bischoff in check) and do a real competition an artificial Monday night war if you will. and Vince, Stephanie, & Shane keep Raw.

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