Washington DC | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #153


  1. Everybody needs to go give Greyblock Pizza a 5 star google review. Blow it up. Gang Gang.

  2. As a single dude roughly the same age who grew up in a broken home in a trailer park in the middle of religious rural Ontario Canada and have fought and am fighting some of the same demons I find your comedy especially TPW so relatable and therapeutic. You speak like a preacher without the pontification and judgement, just love. We need more of that.

    Gettin' leaky over here….onward!

  3. Thank you for opening up Theo it's always the hardest to verbalize our feelings/emotions, for thats when they come out in full force. It helps so much for our growth as people. Much love brotha man!

  4. That was deep, loved your sobriety story.. I felt so emotionally connected to the podcast Mann.. I've been going through some rough time my self. Honestly you helped me a lot today and you made my day. Only for today brother

  5. Fuck, I have a hard time stringing a sentence together at the early hour you composed this. Props, Boi!!

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