STW #135: Foley wins the title

Bruce and Conrad discuss the ins and outs of Mick Foley’s historic WWE title win on the 01/04/99 episode of Monday Night Raw.


  1. One of my absolute favorite RAW moments ever, and honestly one of Maggle Cole's best calls. I went back to watch this era of RAW recently and I had remembered JR being there for that, because I remembered the commentary of that event being so iconic – but nope, it was Maggle that delivered the goods and I respect him as a commentator for that – I think he added a lot of weight to an already emotional development in the story of that feud and of Foley's career in the WWE. Foley's my absolute favorite, I love the guy's character(s), I love his promo acumen, I love his style of wrestling – something that looks brutal and chaotic but that's actually very tight and controlled and precise in its movements. Nobody takes spots like Foley, and while a lot of the stuff he took was legitimately harsh and painful for the body, it's the little things he did to accentuate this and add more that really made me appreciate him as a wrestler and a performer. I am an unashamed Foley mark.

  2. I think this show should have been one that included Tony & Eric as well. As they also kind of tie into this part of history.

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