Snap-on’s Rock N’ Roll Express Cab – Jay Leno’s Garage

Les Perry from Snap-on stops by the garage with the Rock N’ Roll Express Cab to show Jay their top of the line tool storage solutions.


  1. Craftsmen baby!! and if you break a ratchet they replace it free and you don't need a receipt!!!

  2. All you poor backyard Bumblefuck mechanics that can only afford harbor freight. You make me laugh. Stick to your Chinese Fischer Price crap and I'll buy a real mans tool.

  3. You know, when I was a kid, always wondered why mechanics always joked about a rape truck. I usually got scared. Fast forward to my teenage years. I saw the Snap-On track roll by, then one of the mechanics working with my dad said; "Hey George! The rape truck is here! Hide your kids!" LOL! 28K on a tool box made in China.

  4. $28,000 for an empty tool box! nearly spit out my coffee LOL
    Even jay was surprised!

  5. Beautiful boxes. I got a master series, just feel the epiq are beautiful but too much. You can get deals better than sticker price usually.

  6. Even Jay Is like Screw that 28K? Lmao I bought a harbor freight box and bought on e bay a Snap On Emblem and they look identical now Lmao

  7. Design is well….American style design. Nothing special. I don't see any differences compared to harbor freight, home depot ones by looks alone. If someone wants to have beautiful tool boxes next to their high end cars like porsche, ferrari, this ugly box wouldn't match. If those boxes were from high end italian company with great design, then the price will make sense.

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