Rob Gronkowski Gets Blindsided by Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

The New England Patriots tight-end has taken on the toughest defenses in the NFL, won a Super Bowl, and made four Pro Bowls—but none of that can prepare him for the pain of some of the most brutal hot sauces on the planet. Watch Gronk battle through the heat and spike the most intense wing of the bunch.

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  1. Can I just point out my boy Travis Kelce ate 10 wings and did not take a drink of milk or water. This man Gronk really ate 5 wings and drank half the bottle of milk.🤔🤔🤔

  2. Oh. I can see he has some roots in my homecountry. The surname says it all. But never heard of a man. I'm not angry at the shorter interview, disappointed it weren't all ten, but ya know, as it was said, he is an active athlete. There no time on them tables for all sorts of stuff. I liked the interview itself, because the dude seem to be great guy, wich also makes me regret the shortening as well. But not gonna hold that against him ya know. Edit. I've posted it before 5th and it's hilarious for me that Carly and many more took the dab, but he didn't xDDD I mean, ya should know yer boundaries, but the image is just too funneh xD

  3. Sean is such a good host. He sort of go along with the guest so that the guest would not feel intimidated by his tolerance level.

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