Joe Rogan Experience #1214 – Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig is an academic, attorney, and political activist. He is the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the former director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University.


  1. Don’t worry Goys! The United States of Israel will help transition your Country into Rainbow Unicorn Land! Make sure to be a good goy and pick a side and a colour!

  2. I wanted to punch this guy. Fucking holier than thou, shit don't stink, out of touch with the real world liberal garbage.

  3. “Free College.” I hate that word “free.” Someone else always pays for my free. If Lessig cares about corruption he’ll stop using free because it is the worst corruption of the English language. Of course “buy one get one free” is okay because it’s a great marketing scam!

  4. This guy has some good ideas. I wish he wasn’t partisan. I find it hard to trust people’s motives if they pick a party. They’re both garbage, and are in on it together.

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