Dumbfoundead is the Councilman | TigerBelly 174

Dumbfoundead auditions. Bobo auditions too. So does Gilbo…and Koloko. We talk ecstasy daddies, condor shit, a dick bone, and the blue blue sky.


  1. "these are just Lindt" dude Lindt is rich people chocolate what the hell are you talking about kalayla

  2. 7 minutes into the show and the guest is finally allowed to talk? Do whatever you want but I’ve been skipping the ads because of that…and I actually enjoy ads on tiger belly and check out your sponsors from time to time.

  3. Kah "lie" lah is like the hot girl you date and 6 months later, you realize she's not that hot.

  4. Man that was a hard cut… I always wonder what they had to cut out. He was literally describing why the sky was blue how bad could it have gotten? hahaha

  5. 🙁 Disappointed in this one.. More research before the show.. Should have talked more about Dumb's trip to Korea where he also hung out with Tiger JK & not even a mention of "Bodied"? U could have asked him about the audition for that movie & his experiences making the film.

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