Bill Burr – The Shadows

Bill Burr talks about various videos including “The Shadows.”


  1. Haha! I love these quick compilations to send to people. Bill always has these gems that I always lose on the podcast! Like the, "CHRIST! YOU COOKED THE SHIT OUT OF IT!" Bit.

  2. It says that you're an asshole and that you can make fun at being an asshole.

  3. in 77 i laughed along with everyone else when belushi smashed that guitar, but it was nervous laughter . . . the film takes place around 62 and folk had kicked the shit out of rockabilly. folk was anti-establishment, anti-corporate and the coolest shit on earth until dylan went electric in 65 and ushered in the era of the american rock singer/songwriter. in 71, zep iv had a lot of acoustic and even had the corny line about joni mitchell—“someone told me there’s a girl out there . . . with flowers in her hair . . .” by 77 when animal house was made, punk rock and the sex pistols were big. by then, yeah, people were sick of folk and acoustic guitars.

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