Becky Lynch or Charlotte? Notsam Wrestling Debate w/Katie Linendoll

From episode 214 of Notsam Wrestling – Sam Roberts and Katie Linendoll debate whether or not Becky Lynch has passed by Charlotte.


  1. Becky Lynch all the way who cares about charlotte nobody gives a fuck about charlotte

  2. I'm with Sam. Asuka will win at TLC so WWE can hype the Women's Royal Rumble because obviously Asuka is the first ever Women's Royal Rumble winner. Then Lynch wins the rumble to face Rousey at the MAIN EVENT of WrestleMania.

  3. Charlotte is in the same position Roman Reigns has to fill. Becky is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Real and getting over because she chooses to and people adore her for it.

  4. I loooove katie, but i dunno what show she's been watching. I agree 100% with sam.

  5. Sam is an idiot. Ronda is still a much bigger star than Becky. It's not even close. What a dumbass.

  6. Don't get me wrong Becky is great but what has she done in the ring that sets her above everyone else? What makes her so special? This is a serious question.

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