Anthrax Challenge #6 | Opening Up Fan Mail with Theo Von

Thank you to everyone who sent in gifts!

To participate in the Anthrax Challenge mail to:
Theo Von Podcasting
12777 W Jefferson Blvd
Suite 300, Building D
Los Angeles, CA 90066


  1. 98% of people don’t know shit about who the Beagle boys are , that’s why Theo has that haircut that isn’t a mullet those is duck feathers bruhhh . THEO IS ABOUT THAT DUCKTALE LIFE ! Ps Theo we have to jack Shaub for those custom ducktales painted Yeezys !!

  2. Just giving feedback, not trying to hate: Gianni is not the most likeable dude. Probably best to keep him off camera.

  3. Damn bruh you open a envelop like a mentally challenged person on Christmas!

  4. The fan mail is cool but I'm honestly just here to find out if Theo has learned yet how to cut with a knife.

    edit He seems to be learning! 👍

  5. with a name like Gianni and from a hockey family in Canada that moved him to LA to try and persue acting you cant fool Theo he sees right through the bullshit this dude is defiantly a spoiled little kid

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