Why Kurt Angle Putting Over Drew McIntyre Was A GREAT Thing

Solomonster discusses Kurt Angle tapping out to Drew McIntyre on Raw last week, why it was depressing to watch Angle, but also great to see how hard WWE seems to be pushing McIntyre.

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  1. If Drew McIntyre would have beat Kurt Angle when he was young, in shape, healthy and had good knees, it would have been a lot more impressive

  2. Drew McIntyre can be a good heel champion but never Babyface he doesn't have that cool it Factor that makes you want to be like him the cool it factor is like the rock Ric Flair Kevin Nash Scott Hall Shawn Michaels you have to have two kids want to be like you the women love you and the men want to look like you he's not cool he's a good heal but that's it he needs hey baby face to fight against if not is not going to work

  3. I believe the reports they have big plans for Drew McIntyre pushing him towards main event status he has been one of the most protected NXT call ups yet

  4. Angle's performance + Graves' reaction, really made it look like it should be Kurt's last match.

    Anytime you see a Legend brought to tears in the ring," trying to produce results"… and a commentator saying "is this his Swan Song?" …. I changed the channel last week, feeling like he should retire after that performance.

    I think the worst thing WWE did with Angle, once he was brought back, was that they didn't put him immediately back on the roster. Just before he resigned, he was putting on GOOD matches (just look up his WCPW stuff – before it became Defiant Wrestling). When the E kept him on the shelf instead of working in the ring right away, it's like it put out Angle's fire that NEEDED to keep burning.

  5. I still have ZERO faith in WWE creative in making Drew McIntyre look good on the main roster. The only people creative cares about are part-timers like Lesnar.

  6. I see the Big Show, as another one of those selfless guys. Always willing to make others.

  7. Nothing WWE does is great. Kurt Angle put over another boring no energy guy. They all can look the part but you have to HAVE IT ALL and Drew does not HAVE IT ALL. AJ Styles has it all and is the face of WWE to me and has been not Roman Reigns but when Roman gets back he'll be back to being a robot wrestler reminding everyone why they hated him in the first place. The blame all goes to Vince for the failure of these talents not the talent themselves

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