WAR GAMES: NXT Takeover WarGames 2018 Full Show Review!

Solomonster reviews NXT Takeover: WarGames II, which was about as close to a perfect show as you could ask for with a 97 percent thumbs up rating in our Twitter poll so far. Survivor Series has a tall order ahead if it’s going to beat out this show.


  1. That Wargames match had a little bit of everything, excellent match, Dream's performance was star making tonight in my opinion, great show top to bottom as usual.

  2. I don't even watch NXT every week and I still love the Takeover shows.

  3. Velveteen Dream is not a star on the main roster Vince Mcmahon needs to be publicly executed.

  4. This card was incredible Black v. Gargano was match of the night no question.
    A close second was the women's title match the wargames match was insanity enough said.
    Riddle is so over it's not funny.
    I'm down with the six woman tag feud that's coming.

  5. Last time I checked, Velveteen Dream wore yellow and red in his match with Ricochet in Chicago! Last year he had Rick Rude style tights with his and Aleister Black faces on them. I know that because Dream wore Ricochet's old Prince Puma tights during their match.

  6. Ciampa’s tapout wouldn’t have counted anyway. He was in the ropes.

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