Wade Barrett aka Stu Bennett – Leaving WWE, Beastmasters, Acting, Wrestling Again, etc – Sam Roberts

Stu Bennett talks to Sam Roberts about leaving Wade Barrett behind, why he left WWE, future wrestling plans, his acting career, and more, for Notsam Wrestling.


  1. Iโ€™ve always thought Wade Barrett was a hidden gem that WWE overlooked. His nexus run was great and his bad news Barrett act was so over

  2. Dude has been living in USA for 12+ years and still hasn't lost that accent !

  3. People want larger than life action stars.
    Chris Hemsworth and the Rock don't have to be the go to actors when it comes to muscular action stars.

  4. Modern WWE, exhibit nยบ345: how to bury a guy that takes something dumb, makes it work and gets over by himself.

    Zack Ryder anyone?

  5. Such a shame. He was a victim of WWE having cold feet when it comes to pushing the new generation. He was there in an awkward time where a lot of the top guys were in their final runs as full time talents. I think if he came on to the scene now they would have pulled the trigger

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