Urijah Faber | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #146


  1. Remember when Conor McGregor told Urijah He needs a training bra for his chin. Lol

  2. Theo you need to step up your MMA knowledge if your gonna have legends like Faber on.

  3. Theo being honest about his lack of hand to hand combat experience or confidence while talking to UFC fighters is so refreshing

  4. Theo you've sold grey block pizza so we'll, I think I might just go get a job there! Or atlst ck out that hitter pizza!! Gang gang #theovon #getinthere #onward #gettinmesometheovonhitter peace, love & good vibes! You are the best! Sunshine in my day! Make me smile so much my face hurts! Much love to you & your show is fantastic & your off the cuff remarks are genius, no joke! Theo Von always be YOU!! Onward….

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