There’s no reason for Daniel Cormier to drop to light heavyweight again…

Dana White wants Daniel Cormier to fight three more times but DC and his team have been adamant that he only has one fight left. Depending on what happens between Jon Jones and Alexander Gustafsson, there may not be a call for Cormier to drop to light heavyweight again.


  1. So nobody is talking about the last video chael lied about? Its a lie for views if you don't acknowledge it.

  2. Chael is, however, encouraging us to allow him to offer us something

  3. Nope….. Jones wins, Brock pops, Jones steps up wins heavyweight gold…. THEN jones pops as well and USADA takes ALL THE belts to form the NWO

    The real question you should be asking yourself is just how good is Ray Borg?

  4. Tony Ferguson is the type of guy to wake his girlfriend up to say goodnight

  5. If Daniel leaves with both belts, doesn't that lessen the significance of those two belts? Kinda like Rocky 5, "You never beat Rocky so you are not truly the heavy weight champ". Wasn't the fact that Daniel never beat Jones for the belt a huge issue with fans? Something tells me the UFC rather Daniel go out on his shield rather than leave with both straps on his shoulder.

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