Quick advice on sparring and training with partners your own size – Coach Firas Zahabi

Coach Firas Zahabi gives advice on sparring and training BJJ with partners your own size in order to avoid injury


  1. When is it okay to train with a sparring partner larger than you?

  2. This coach seems like know many things in correct way.

    No olympian grapplers train with someone who is bigger or way smaller than them, especially someone who is bigger than them.

    High chance of injuries, and u get a less chance of using your techniques.
    If you want to perfect your skills, do it on partners your size. That way, you will be able to use that skills on any size eventually with a good timing.

  3. Good advice
    My old jiu jitsu gym used to ALWAYS pit me against the biggest guy there when I was just starting and he would just keep smashing me with no skill just pure size and strength and I didnt have the skill to do anything about it, I got injured a few times before I finally left
    I did start to get a little better fending him off, but I would have much rather had someone my weight to train with

    I remember one time I had him in a really tight standing guillotine and thought i was going to tap him, then he just grabbed my legs, lifted me over his head, and slammed me down hard…I landed well, it didnt hurt, but I lost my grip around his neck

  4. I believe that training as realistically as possible, while as safe as possible is the ideal. That will allow frequent and intense training. Finding that balance between realistic intense training and safety is the important. I like rolling with partners that are not as good as I am to practice my submissions amd partners that are better than me to practice my defense.

  5. I'll disagree because then I'd have 0 training partners. besides that, fighting bigger opponents helps me train what I expect and have experienced in the streets. 'Is normal'

  6. Coach firas, upload the full livestream ! Then to this video addition some adverts.. make money

  7. its hard during open-mat to turn down a roll, and naturally bigger guys going to enjoy a smesh on little guys.

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