Old Lars Sullivan Message Board Posts UNCOVERED?

Lars Sullivan is on his way to the WWE main roster, but should he go to Raw or Smackdown? In other news, old message board posts of his have surfaced and could cause him some headaches, but could it actually derail his push? Solomonster talks about why this is unlikely.


  1. Prime example of the WORST possible timing Ever for all this to be coming up

  2. people shouldnt care what someone said 11 years ago. This trend needs to stop because its stupid af. people need to apologise about jokes lmao. Any way Lars shouldnt be a call up imo

  3. LARS seems like a dickhead anyway. Also, why is the WWE universe better at background checks than the actual company? Embarrassing.

  4. I'm black and I really don't why this is an issue.. First, Lars called out the original racist comment. That copy, paste comment was a troll attempt.. I hate this PC culture..

  5. Now I just want to see Triple H reply to one of his workout videos "Thx for the fap vid".

  6. Makes you wonder how the rest of the roster's old posts are like. But I won't be an ass and dig it out like some are doing. I understand what they said in the past is wrong, depending what it is. But honestly, people should leave that stuff alone. Who is to say those 11 years, or even a few years, that he hasn't changed a ton about his views? Same for Cedric, how he felt ashamed for it. Heck, I bet we've all said something stupid we've regretted so much. I don't see why people feel the need to dig this stuff out.

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