Obsessed with MMA? – Coach Firas Zahabi

Coach Zahabi talks about how being obsessed with any one thing in life might not be a very healthy choice and might even lead to a breakdown. Instead being focussed and dedicated to what you are doing can be the healthier choice.


  1. I would like to come share the matt with you one day even if i never had a real class once but just come and learn.not now but after a while.im from morocco.respect coach

  2. I would have to disagree. Sometimes becoming obsessed with a goal is required. Ask those who have excelled and achieved great things – many will confirm they were obsessed with achieving their aims.

  3. I love the philosophy. Really you could be talking about anything. And it would apply here

  4. "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism." – Jung

  5. I don't know, I am obsessed, I am having a mental breakdown and things are going bad in my life- and Im certainly not as skilled as other people of my age, but I don't regret it, because it will make whatever I accomplish big or small so much more well earned, and I'll die knowing I did my best to improve myself.

  6. Best mma coach in the world. Not becuz he is good at jiu jitsu Muay Thai boxing wrestling karate but the best part is his mental training

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