Listing The Greatest LONG-TERM Storylines In WWE History!

The Mega Powers, Austin vs. McMahon, Bret Hart’s slow transformation from hero to villain… Solomonster lists some of the greatest long-term storylines in WWE history.


  1. Being realistic, I would say Austin v. McMahon number one. Mega-Powers saga number two. Undertaker and Kane number three. Well, it goes from there.

  2. Terry Funk vs. Ric Flair was incredible. The western Hollywood star Funk was so cool facing the defending Ric Flair. Honestly, AJ Styles vs. John Cena was a good call back to that formula of a feud between workhorse and movie star baby face part-timer who put on killer matches. I also loved Randy’s heel work on HHH. The story was perfect, but they botched the Wrestlemania finish. Randy’s initial tour into his demented side was lovely. I bought into every devastating punt kick. That was all before they bored Randy out over time. Also, CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy was pretty nasty for its shoot quality and Punk coming into his own as a biting promo. And, because I have to, let’s not forget the Mega Powers or NWO and Sting.

    Edit: I couldn’t not mention Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, the perfection of basic storytelling. Or debuting Kane vs. Undertaker: what a way to solidify a new star. Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority is worth noting. Honestly, Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens was fantastic, comic tragedy.

  3. The Undertaker and Kane feud has got to be my all time favourite longterm storyline of all time, the buildup to Kane's debut was fantastic and featured some of Paul Bearer's best promo work, the way Paul teased it in June 97 about Taker having a sibling that was long to be thought dead and him talking about Taker setting the family funeral home which killed his parents was fantastic storytelling which eventually led to an unbeliveable payoff with one of the best debuts ever when Kane first showed up at In Your House: Bad Blood during the first ever hell in a cell match with Taker and HBK. It was so good and the buildup to Taker and Kane's first one on one match at WM14 was even better, we also got to see a more human side of the deadman when he refused to fight his brother and we actually got to hear his side of the story of what really happened or so we thought when Taker later on turned heel in October 1998 and revealed that he set the fire on purpose, this story had so many twists and turns at every corner. I would definitely put this one as the greatest.

  4. 12:02 That moment was kinda the beginning of Vince slowly becoming the Mr. McMahon character, leading up to the Montreal Screwjob where he was truly born. But I've always loved that promo from Bret that night, one of my favorites from him. Very memorable.

    Vince: "Bret Hart, you've got to be terribly frustrated, extremely frustrated about what just happened."
    Bret: shoves him to the ground "Frustrated isn't g**damn word for it, this is BULLSHIT!!"

  5. Austin vs McMahon
    Mega Powers
    Bret v Owen
    Jericho v HBK
    Gargano v Ciampa
    Daniel Bryan v The Authority
    Taker v Edge
    HBK v Taker (09-10)
    Zayn v Owens
    Becky v Charlotte
    Owens v Jericho
    Cena v AJ

  6. Underrated storyline : DDP vs Macho Man '97. Actually won PWI feud of the year, for 1997.

    Sting vs WCW vs NWO. ( WHO's side is he on angle from Oct '96-March '97.

  7. I'd say Undertaker vs Randy Orton in 2005. Started in March with the buildup to their WrestleMania match, took a bit of a break, then started back up again and went all through the summer. Randy's first big feud that got him over as a star and led to that Cell match at Armageddon which I still regard as one of the best ever. Undertaker vs Edge was another good one that was taking place both before and during the same time the Michaels/Jericho feud was going on. I followed SmackDown more at the time so this was the feud of the year for me. Though the Michaels/Jericho stuff was incredible in it's own right, this one had me more interested at the time.

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