Joe Rogan Experience – Fight Companion – November 24, 2018

Joe is joined by Eddie Bravo, Bryan Callen & Brendan Schaub to watch the fights on November 24, 2018.


  1. Eddie: What if we find out that the more you get knocked out, the smarter you get.
    Brendan: thats what happened to me

  2. I'm rather certain ONE banned soccer kicks back in 2016 or so.

  3. 2:27:20 bryan mentions campaign finance laws, but then doesnt talk about large donors like the defense industry or the oil industry or the pharma industry. he only mentions the "liberal" companies.

  4. This island and it’s people are a “reservation” they are protected like other endangered animals. You fucking Americans need to get a fucking grip on yourselves.

  5. The more you get knocked out the smarter you get……Eddie Bravo 😂😂

  6. Conservatives get banned more because conservatives say stupid shit more. There's no left wing Westboro Baptist Church telling people homosexuals should be put to death. There's no left wing Alex Jones telling people 1776 is coming to a town near you in 2018. Complain about conservatives being banned all you want but the vast majority of those cases are going to be right wing extremists advocating for violence, mostly against liberals. Which is partially why you see right wing terrorists shooting up synagogues, sending package bombs to prominent liberals, shooting up churches and abortion clinics… And you hardly ever see left wingers shoot up banks. There's no equivalence here, which is why social media bans likely aren't equivalent.

  7. These conspiracy theories are really annoying.There is definitely a need for conspiracy theorists.They've blown the lid off some big Gov. Cover-ups.And people deserve to know the truth about what our Government is up to.But conspiracy theories also have a huge downside.There are some that have a huge effect on society in a negative way.Like flat earth and Sandy Hook .When you ignore and block out the obvious facts and actual confirmed science. And choose to believe suedo science and fake experts on YouTube that benifet financially by pushing non sense you dumb yourself down.And I've seen grown 40 and 50 year old men saying they think the earth is flat.It's even more scary when you see elementary school kids and teenagers saying the earth is flat!This shit is actually making people more retarded.You learn the earth is round in elementary school.This shit is crazy that it's being questioned.It was already questioned by many people a thousand years ago.Until everyone came to the same conclusion that it's round.I just don't see the point in hashing this fact out again.

  8. Kitchen sink cookie and the candy cookie are the only things from panera that I will ever get. NO COOKIE COMPARES!!!!!

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