David Arquette – Fighting back, Cody Rhodes Challenge, WCW Championship, etc – Notsam Wrestling

Sam Roberts talks to David Arquette about his return to wrestling, time as WCW champion, training, defending himself, injuries, challenging Cody Rhodes, and more.


  1. ; Fucking awesome. Tons of respect for anyone who gets off the couch and applies themselves. I am proud to call him my brother.

  2. The WCW story line was a comedic cross-promotion angle — but the movie was a box office dud, which should have been a tip-off that it was a road to disaster.

  3. man his sister that was in nightmare on elm street was so damn fine back in the day

  4. This was a fantastic conversation. I'm really surprised how much this changed part of my outlook on Arquette. Maybe that was the point. It doesn't change the past and I don't completely blame him for WCW. For the most part he was just along for the ride. Anyways back on point this was great. Sam, always surprises me how natural these back and forths are. Great job. Keep turning the "Sports Entertainment" World lol on its head.

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