AO-PEE?! Vince McMahon Has A Good Laugh At NXT’s Expense

After peeing himself at Survivor Series, Drake Maverick’s team is now getting chants of “AO-Pee Pee”, while The Revival loses again, this time to the Lucha House Party and a piƱata. Vince McMahon is having himself a good laugh at NXT’s expense.


  1. I tried to hold out hope that maybe triple h would get more power and more control but it's not happening fast enough. Vince wont go away and this company is killing my love for wrestling. I cant watch anymore. Its njpw and other company's that I go to for serious wrestling or I watch classic nwa on YouTube. The wwe has an incredible roster and they are as unwatchable as they have ever been. I'm done. Vince doesn't deserve my time anymore. And now I'm at a point where I just want wwe to die. Too many talented wrestlers who are getting railroaded by Vince when they could shine elsewhere.

  2. The extras in the catering segment on Raw had the oppoient of Laries Salavien snd Ceath Lee

  3. Man, Vince destroys what made these guys great in NXT. It's absolutely pathetic. Roode, Revival, AOP, and SO many others deserve so much better.

  4. Lol that last line by solomonster was a zinger hahaha XD

  5. Why do you people still watch the WWE knowing that it will not get better no matter who gets called up from NXT? I got a better question for you Solomonster; with all these other promotions out there, why do you still do so many WWE segments?

  6. McMahon hired Todd Pettingell because Pettingell asked for a courtesy flush, not knowing that McMahon was the culprit in the stall.

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