1971 Datsun 240Z – Jay Leno’s Garage

Dominic Le from Chasing Js is back, this time with his Datsun 240Z with 3 times the power as the original!


  1. If this gentleman ever does a Datsun 1200, I would love to see a video. My '71 1200 was my favorite car ever. Best mechanic I ever had worked mostly on high $$$ English cars. When I first drove up to his shop & saw what was parked on the lot, I figured "no way" The mechanic, however, dropped what he was doing & said "you have a 1200!!!" Ever after I never had to wait. Turned out he raced 1200's

  2. The fact that this beautiful car was built in his personal garage and NOT in a big shop should be a point of pride. This is fantastic work and goes to show what a little ingenuity and hard work can do.

  3. Eh. The whole point of the Z's was the engineering of how they came out of the factory. This is just a Z-shaped car with a suped up non-Z engine.

  4. Beauty! This guy does awesome work. We did an SR20 engine swap on BMW 2002. If anyone is interested check out the link. We are complete amateurs and we just built if for fun, please take it easy on us! Its not easy to build these things in Thailand.

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