Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban, Joel Jimenez, Jeremiah Watkins, Malcolm Hatchett – Date: 09/20/2018


  1. tony must be drunk. what kind of question is "what have you done on mushrooms" um, trip on shit?

  2. I love how the waitstaff person sauntered onstage to insert herself in an unimportant side about the dudes fake id. who does that? if i were tony, i'd read her the riot act after the show.

  3. Well, well.. pleasant surprise.. nice one KT on the uploads..

  4. its pretty funny that these clowns rip on grand rapids, because they never heard of it. even though almost all the money in michigan is in grand rapids. congratulations tony and redban, you look like complete fucking fools again. bravo.

  5. Is it me or are Jeremiah and Joel way funnier on the road?

    Holy shit they murdered this entire show

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