Joe Rogan Experience #1183 – Andrew Santino

Andrew Santino is a stand up comedian and actor. You can also see him on PROPS presented by Yahoo Sports, with episodes every Wednesday


  1. When I was about 6 or 7 i broke my collar bone falling off a too tall and unsafe for kids slide, I fell straight on my arm, then I had to ride my bike home to tell my mom, and I wasn’t suppose to be there

  2. glamarou has to be some comedian right>…thats not real please no…it cant be..

  3. 1:32:29 Joe ridicules President Trump for saying, “It’s a scary time for young men in America,” which the President stated in regards to questionable allegations and the controversy related to Justice Kavanaugh. Still, on episode 1182 with Nick Kroll, Joe spoke about the 1,000+ children—of which included males—who were sexually assaulted and/or raped by members of the Catholic Church. That sounds pretty frightening, honestly. Could Trump’s statement have been entirely false?

    1:33:30 Joe claims people will say he’s “anti-men” and is guilty of “male-bashing,” yet on Stranger Times he outright declared himself “sexist towards men.” The “comedy” special was plagued with anti-male, female-superiority rhetoric. It seems as though Joe is fully aware of his cognitive dissonance related to the criticism of others and his tendency to overvalue gynocentrism.

    1:33:54 Joe states in reference to Lynzy Lab’s ‘A Scary Time’ song, “When you’re not a girl, it’s [sexual assault] not something you consider.” One episode ago, Joe acknowledged male victims/survivors from predatory Catholic Church clergy. Still, there is also societal expectation for males to experience sexual assault/rape when incarcerated. People openly joke about it. Males experience military sexual assault at higher numbers than females. A cursory Internet search will yield many female educators who prey on minor-aged males within the school system. This isn’t something males consider? In what reality?

    2:19:47 Despite his white-knighting for women and male-bashing throughout this episode, Joe reads aloud a report in reference to the dismissal of testimony from one of Harvey Weinstein’s accusers (Lucia Evans), testimony said to have been inconsistent, incredible, and unworthy of legal consideration. By Joe’s logic, men don’t know what it’s like to be a woman who lives in fear of sexual assault/rape. Do women know what it’s like to be falsely accused of sexual assault/rape? If we’re going to overgeneralize, why not take it to its extreme? Oh…wait. Joe’s does that constantly with the demonization of men and by maintaining that women are perpetually victimized.

    2:20:35 Joe says, “There’s people that will be opportunist[ic] in the face of scandal,” which seems on par with the dismissal of Evans’ testimony. Joe knows fully well that there are some women who benefit from false allegations of sexual assault/rape.

    2:22:05 When referencing people exhibiting delusional cognitive distortions, Joe asserts, “They have a delusional perception of the world around them. They think people are out to get them.” Precisely! Lab’s song (‘A Scary Time’) is an ardent example of an individual whose irrationally-emotive worldview is distorted by a collectivist interpretation of paranoia and fear, in which she protests a straw man delusion supported by hysteria intertwined with a female-centric perspective. Joe gushed over Lab’s song, yet later spoke about how delusional its concept is. How can one be so incognizant?

    I suppose when Joe declared himself as being “sexist towards men” in his “comedy” special, he wasn’t joking (pun intended).

  4. Most strait married people are boring as fuck. They are called vanilla… just a fyi

  5. "it is too easy to survive so people are coming up with all different kinds of conflicts that are not real." – Joe

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