Congratulations Podcast w/ Chris D’Elia | EP92 – Bruchdown

It’s the 92nd episode! On today’s show, Chris talks about how older video games are better than new video games. Also discussed: Halloween costumes, Scrooge McDuck, scary halloween noises, John Wayne, Benihana, & Streets of Rage.

Tweet your questions and spread the love using the hashtag #congratulationspod on Twitter and everywhere else, and don’t forget to rate, review, listen on iTunes, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app.


  1. You should do an event at an actual camp. like a weekend thing where we all stay in cabins and you do standup at night. I can see the lights of the brinks truck backing up already.

  2. I remember as a kid asking my mom wouldn't that hurt him in duck tales ahahaha damn the feels now 😂

  3. Did anyone else notice the little Hitler stache thing that Chris has going on lmaaooo

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