Casey Neistat Melts His Face Off While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Casey Neistat is a YouTube O.G. and one of the trailblazers of the vlog era. Over the years he’s pulled some truly insane stunts on his channel, from hanging out of helicopters to skateboarding behind a Lamborghini. But can he handle Zombie Apocalypse and Blair’s Mega Death Sauce with Liquid Rage? Find out as Casey and Sean Evans go sauce for sauce, deep-diving into the state of media and the culinary merits of Connecticut along the way.

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  1. whats up with the colour on this video caseys eyes are fucking red

  2. Is it bad that I want to see the try guys try this? I mean come on they LOVE spicy things!

  3. For some reason he always rubbed me the wrong way, but this interview really has changed my view of Casey and I really appreciate what he has done, and does.

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