Monday Morning Podcast 9-17-18


  1. Seasonal allergies are not the same as food allergies, lol. Dumbass.

  2. For some fucking reason I really wanna help you Bill, the solution is called CETIRIZIN, i dont know the brand name for the US market, but i works wonders, believe me and it is cheap, i got the same problem years ago just a couple of days after taking it it was gone, since then no allergy no more…

  3. If you're exposed to certain chemicals it can bring on onset allergies like asbestos. One of the side effects of being around asbestos is allergies you can get allergies when you didn't have them. Among other things like cancer and shit like that and lung damage I suppose.

  4. when is your next netflix special? please? i love them. i watch them over and over and do impressions for my friends.

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