Joe Rogan Experience #1175 – Chris Kresser & Dr. Joel Kahn

Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac is a globally recognized leader in the fields of ancestral health, Paleo nutrition, and functional and integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Kahn is one of the world’s top cardiologists and believes that plant-based nutrition is the most powerful source of preventative medicine on the planet.


  1. My biggest issue is that Joel keeps citing the FDA's recommendations. They are BULLSHIT and have always been BULLSHIT. The FDA is deeper in the pocket of every single processed food organization. Their recommendations are completely useless and just compound the health problem in this country because a plate with pictures of food is not a guide. Telling people to cook their own food from whole and raw is.

  2. I want to know if in Chris' epidemiological studies and randomized controlled trials if they checked for people currently on medication for heart disease or cardiac problems while eating red meat. That seems like one factor that might greatly skew the data in the wake of the growing pharma industry and could be the difference between the Harvard studies Kahn references.

  3. I'm sorry but you've got to be fucking joking.
    Chris's Bio:
    – "studied Chinese and integrative medicine at the Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College"
    – "Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley"
    – "BA, Communications & Social Change"


  4. "Cholesterol bumps into your artery wall… that's the basic biochemistry."

    That's an oversimplification as that's not the sole cause of arterial damage. Stress, oxidative and plain old life stress also causes stress on the arterial walls. LDL Pattern B and triglycerides are the problem. LDL Pattern A is pretty harmless to arterial walls and as far as triglycerides go are formed when the cholesterol lipid bonds with glycogen, aka sugar. Reduce your sugar/carb intake, which isn't a fiber, and your triglycerides drop and so does your Pattern B LDL.

    Also increasing physical activity helps reduce stress and relaxes the arteries so the damage is less likely to occur in the first place.

  5. Kahn was right – high ldl cholesterol is bad. Kresser was right – dietary saturated fats don't increase cholesterol levels. They got hung up on what was essentially a semantic disconnect. Kahn was stuck on the ideological principle of high cholesterol being bad, and unwilling to concede what the science clearly and unmistakably shows:
    Dietary saturated fats do !!not!! increase cholesterol, in the context of a healthy diet.

    This is a secondary source, but it lists 78 primary sources, linking to the studies Kresser referred to, with the meta-analyses, rct's, and totally validates his positions.

    Dr Kahn isn't wrong about high blood ldl cholesterol, or junk food, or any of the biology. He's just wrong about dietary saturated fat correlating to increases in bad cholesterol.

  6. Being totally objective(I won’t say if I’m a vegan or meat eater), it’s clear that the DOCOTR understands all the studies and reviews on a deeper, scientific and intellectual level. Everything I hear from Knesser sound great if u take it at face value. Kresser is not a DOCOTR and clearly(if u really really listen) does not seem to have much of a deeper understanding of anything beyond the headlines. He keeps backing up his claims by saying ‘everyone else out there agrees with the data’,.as opposed to breaking it all down himself, displaying he understands all the claims and how everything relates to each other on “molecular” level. Kresser references blogger’ headlines, generalists study’s. I can see the doctors frustration in this conversation because he’s explaining his points and being very specific and giving scientific analysis while it appeared to me that kresser nor Rogan paid full attention. They filtered what they heard and simply reply with statements that go back to previous statement that they agree with. They aren’t listening. Confirmation bias is ubiquitous here.
    You can tell Kresser begins to realize that the Doctor is owning his statements and knocking (a lot of them) down and even intellectualizing them within the realm of irrefutable objective realities. Kresser, instead of have an open mind, becomes more cavalier….which to me is annoying and indicative that he knows his arguments are weak when analyzed by someone who actually understands biology on a level that is competent foreign to kresser.
    I’m not an expert on this subject but from what I’m hearing here, I would risk my health a lot more of what the docotr is saying. Kresser makes great points that have merit,although on the whole the doctors understanding and explanation of this subject is tremendously more lucid and accurate. Kresser backs his claims with “everyone else agrees with me” and docotr backs his claims with hard and fast studies and comprehension of information that is clearly lost(ignored) on Rogan and Kresser.
    This all being said, I could never go vegan. But I will not eat processed meats anymore and I will limit my egg consumption.

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